Why using construction cameras good for your marketing?

Aug 13, 2024

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We all know that installing construction cameras is one of the best ways to provide on-site monitoring, but have you ever thought about how it can also help with your marketing? As a project contractor you will certainly need beautiful images and videos to show off the progress of your project, or to demonstrate your strengths and experience to potential clients.

But hiring a professional photographer can be costly, often costing as much as $1,000-$300 per day! Not only that, but sending a photographer into a muddy and dangerous construction site in formal attire and leather shoes can be a safety hazard. So with cost and hassle in mind you may need a construction camera for your marketing.

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Construction Camera Systems provides high-resolution images

High-quality construction camera systems provide you with 720p or even higher definition images. Place the camera at the best viewing point on your site for 24/7 access and image capture. The right camera can produce a 12 megapixels quality frame at a 4k resolution or a smaller rate of 5 megapixels, still twice the resolution of a standard 1080p camera frame.


Pan-tilt zoom (PTZ) panoramic cameras even allow remote orientation and zoom control. All you need to do is operate from the user-friendly interface to adjust the optimal shooting angle. The ability to get up close and personal and ensure clear picture detail makes it the choice of most building contractors.


Construction Camera Systems provides real-time video

Select construction camera systems provide live video streaming capabilities to access on any device. At any time, you, your client or anyone with the feed link can access a live stream for eye-in-the-sky monitoring. Giving your client access to a live video stream means they can show off your work to their colleagues and business contacts.


Providing real-time video is an important factor in enhancing your marketing competitiveness. Your attention to detail with the power of a construction camera system can be the final determining factor compared to a competitor with still photos that won't tell the whole story.


construction cameras good for your marketing


When it comes to construction cameras, most people's first impression is of fixed-position cameras, but many construction sites in remote areas with a lack of network and power infrastructure have some difficulties in choosing this option. Here we have to mention BIGLUX cctv trailer specialized in solving this situation.


BIGLUX cctv trailer come with advanced surveillance technologies, including high-definition cameras, motion sensors, night vision capabilities, and remote viewing. These features provide high-quality surveillance coverage over wide areas, capturing video footage and images in real-time.


If you would like to learn more about cctv trailer please contact our team and start a conversation today.